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- National Archives of Japan
- Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- The National Institute for Defense Studies, Ministry of Defense
- University of the Ryukyus Library
- The Institute for Economic and Business Research Shiga University
- Hokkaido Prefectural Library
- Archives of Hokkaido
- Kobe University Library
- Research Support Office, Faculty of Economics, Oita University
- Hoover Institution, Stanford University
- Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
- The Oriental Library (Toyo Bunko)
- Japan Press Research Institute
- Title
- ItemOriginal script signed by the Emperor, 1939 Imperial Ordinance No. 126, Ordinance for the restriction of the hiring of employees
- Hierarchy
- Reference Code
- A03022347300
- Call Number of holding
- 御22457100(National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- Language
- Japanese
- Creator
- Cabinet
- Date of Document Creation
- 1939.03.30
- Total of Images
- 4
- Organization
- Cabinet
- Summary
- 勅令第百二十六号 朕從業者雇入制限令ヲ裁可シ茲ニ之ヲ公布セシム 裕仁 内閣総理大臣男爵 平沼騏一郎 拓務大臣 八田嘉明 厚生大臣 廣瀬久忠 從業者雇入制限令 左ノ各号ノ一ニ該当スル者(以下從業者ト稱ス)ノ国家総動員法第六条ノ規定ニ基ク雇入制限ハ本令ノ定ムル所ニ依ル 年齢十六年以上五十年未満ノ男子ニシテ引續キ三月以上他人ニ雇用セラレテ厚生大臣ノ指定スル職業ニ從事スルモノ 年齢十六年以上五十年未満ノ男子ニシテ引續キ三月以上他人ニ雇用セラレテ前号ノ職業ニ從事シ本令施行後ニ於テ其ノ雇用ヲ終了シ且其ノ雇用ヲ終了シタル日ヨリ厚生大臣ノ指定スル学校卒業者タル者ニ在リテハ一年、其ノ他ノ者ニ在リテハ六月ヲ経過セザルモノ 引續キ三月以上工場事業場技能者養成令ノ養成工(以下
- Citations to cases and papers
“Original script signed by the Emperor, 1939 Imperial Ordinance No. 126, Ordinance for the restriction of the hiring of employees” Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) Ref.A03022347300, Original script signed by the Emperor, 1939 Imperial Ordinance No. 126, Ordinance for the restriction of the hiring of employees (National Archives of Japan)