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- National Archives of Japan
- Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- The National Institute for Defense Studies, Ministry of Defense
- University of the Ryukyus Library
- The Institute for Economic and Business Research Shiga University
- Hokkaido Prefectural Library
- Archives of Hokkaido
- Kobe University Library
- Research Support Office, Faculty of Economics, Oita University
- Hoover Institution, Stanford University
- Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
- The Oriental Library (Toyo Bunko)
- Japan Press Research Institute
Search by keywords : 蕃務本署||"Aborigine Affairs Main Office"
- No.
- Reference code
- Summary
[Reference code]A03020813800
Browse- National Archives of Japan
- Records concerning Dajokan/Cabinet
- Goshomei Gempon (1886-1912)
- Meiji 42 (1909)
- Edict
- Script signed by the Emperor, Imperial Ordinance No.270, 1909: Amending the organization rules of the Government-General of Taiwan
[Total of Images]4
- [Call Number of holdings]御08023100(Holdings:National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- [Language]Japanese
- [Summary]朕枢密顧問ノ諮詢ヲ経テ臺灣総督府官制中改正ノ件ヲ裁可シ茲ニ之ヲ公布セシム 睦仁 内閣総理大臣侯爵桂太郎 内務大臣法学博士男爵平田東助 勅令第二百七十号 臺灣総督府官制中左ノ通改正ス 第十七条中「警察本署及左ノ五局」ヲ「左ノ四局及蕃務本署」ニ、「総務局」ヲ「内務局」ニ改メ「土木局」ヲ削ル 第十八条中「警察本署及」ヲ削リ各局ノ下ニ「及蕃務本署」ヲ加フ 第十九条中「警視総長一人勅任又ハ奏任」ヲ削リ局長ノ次ニ「蕃務総長一人勅任又ハ奏任」ヲ加ヘ「局長五人」ヲ「局長四人」ニ、「専任四人奏任」ヲ「専任四人奏任 内一人ヲ勅任ト為スコトヲ得」ニ、「十二人」ヲ「十人」ニ、「警視専任三人」ヲ「警視専任五人」ニ、「専任二人」
- Date of Document Creation1909.10.23
- CreatorCabinet
- OrganizationCabinet
[Reference code]A03020914300
Browse- National Archives of Japan
- Records concerning Dajokan/Cabinet
- Goshomei Gempon (1886-1912)
- Meiji 44 (1911)
- Edict
- Script signed by the Emperor/1911/Imperial Ordinance No.260/Amendment of the government organization of the Government General of Taiwan and abolishment of the government organization of the Temporary Taiwan Sugar Administration Bureau
[Total of Images]4
- [Call Number of holdings]御09018100(Holdings:National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- [Language]Japanese
- [Summary]朕枢密顧問ノ諮詢ヲ経テ臺灣総督府官制中改正ノ件ヲ裁可シ茲ニ之ヲ公布セシム 睦仁 内閣総理大臣侯爵西園寺公望 勅令第二百六十号 臺灣総督府官制中左ノ通改正ス 第十七條 民政部ニ左ノ四局、二署及三部ヲ置ク 財務局 通信局 殖産局 土木局 警察本署 蕃務本署 地方部 法務部 学務部 通信局ニ測候所及燈台ヲ附属セシム 第十八條中「各局及蕃務本署」ヲ「各局署及各部」ニ改ム 第十九條中「局長」ノ次ニ「警視総長一人勅任」ヲ加ヘ「十人」ヲ「十四人」ニ、「五人」ヲ「七人」ニ、「十九人奏任内一人」ヲ「三十一人奏任内二人」ニ、「三百六人」ヲ「四百三十六人」ニ、「三十八人」ヲ「四十一人」ニ改ム 第二十條第二十四條及第二十五條
- Date of Document Creation1911.10.14
- CreatorCabinet
- OrganizationCabinet
[Reference code]A03021041500
Browse- National Archives of Japan
- Records concerning Dajokan/Cabinet
- Goshomei Gempon (1912-1926)
- Taisho 4 (1915)
- Edict
- Amending the government organization of the Government General of Taiwan, under the Imperial Ordinance No. 129, Original script signed by the Emperor, 1915
[Total of Images]3
- [Call Number of holdings]御10265100(Holdings:National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- [Language]Japanese
- [Summary]朕機密顧問ノ諮詢ヲ経テ台湾総督府官制中改正ノ件ヲ裁可シ茲ニ之ヲ公布セシム 嘉仁 内閣総理大臣伯爵 大隈重信 内務大臣子爵 大浦兼武 勅令第百二十九号 台湾総督府官制中左ノ通改正ス 第十七条中「二署」ヲ「一署」ニ改メ「蕃務本署」ヲ削ル 第十九条中「警視専任八人任」ヲ加ヘ「八人」ヲ「三人」ニ、「三十人」ヲ「二十九人」ニ、「四百十八人」ヲ「三百九十六人」ニ改メ「蕃務総長一人勅任」ヲ削ル 第二十二条中「蕃務総長ハ蕃務本署ノ長ト為リ」及「各」ヲ削ル 第二十六条中「又ハ蕃務本署」ヲ削リ同条ニ左ノ一項ヲ加フ 蕃務警視ハ警察本署ニ属シ上官ノ命ヲ承ケ蕃務ヲ掌ル 第三十一条中「又ハ蕃務本署」ヲ削ル 付則 本令ハ公布
- Date of Document Creation1915.07.21
- CreatorCabinet
- OrganizationCabinet
[Reference code]A03033064700
Browse- National Archives of Japan
- Privy Council Records
- Drafts of grant
- Meiji
- The draft Imperial instruction to the Privy Council, Vol. 2 of 2, 1909
[Total of Images]4
- [Call Number of holdings]枢A00037100(Holdings:National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- [Language]Japanese
- [Summary]臺灣総督府官制中改正ノ件 右謹テ上奏シ恭シク 聖裁ヲ仰キ併セテ枢密院ノ議ニ付セラレムコトヲ請フ 内閣総理大臣侯爵桂太郎 勅令第 号 臺灣総督府官制左ノ通改正ス 第十七條中「警察本署及左ノ五局」ヲ「左ノ四局及蕃務本署」ニ、「総務局」ヲ「内務局」ニ改メ「土木局」ヲ削ル 第十八條中「警察本署及」ヲ削リ各局ノ下ニ「及蕃務本署」ヲ加フ 第十九條中「警察総長一人勅任又ハ奏任」ヲ削リ局長ノ次ニ「蕃務総長一人勅任又ハ奏任」ヲ加ヘ「局長五人」ヲ「局長四人」ニ、「専任四人奏任」ヲ「専任四人奏任内一人ヲ勅任ト為スコトヲ得」ニ、「十二人」ヲ「十人」ニ、「警視専任三人」ヲ「警視専任五人」ニ、「専任二人」ヲ「専任一人」ニ、
- Date of Document Creation1909.09.10
- CreatorKatsura Taro, Prime Minister
- OrganizationPrivy Council // Cabinet // Ministry of Home Affairs
[Reference code]A03033081200
Browse- National Archives of Japan
- Privy Council Records
- Drafts of grant
- Meiji
- The draft Imperial instruction to the Privy Council, Vol. 2 of 2, 1911
[Total of Images]5
- [Call Number of holdings]枢A00042100(Holdings:National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- [Language]Japanese
- [Summary]臺灣総督府官制中改正ノ件 右謹テ上奏シ恭シク 聖裁ヲ仰キ併セテ枢密院ノ議ニ付セラレムコトヲ請フ 内閣総理大臣公爵桂太郎 勅令第 号 臺灣総督府官制中左ノ通改正ス 第十七條 民政部ニ左ノ四局、二署及三部ヲ置ク 財政局 通信局 殖産局 土木局 警察本署 蕃務本署 地方部 法務部 学務部 通信局ニ測候所及灯台ヲ附属セシム 第十八條中「各局及蕃務本署」ヲ「各局署及各部」ニ改ム 第十九條中「局長」ノ次ニ「警視総長一人勅任」ヲ加ヘ「十人」ヲ「十四人」ニ、「五人」ヲ「七人」ニ、「十九人奏任内一人」ヲ「三十一人奏任内二人」ニ、「三百六人」ヲ「四百三十六人」ニ、「三十八人」ヲ「四十一人」ニ改ム 第二十條、第二十四
- Date of Document Creation1911.08.23
- CreatorKatsura Taro, Prime Minister
- OrganizationPrivy Council // Cabinet
[Reference code]A03033098300
Browse- National Archives of Japan
- Privy Council Records
- Drafts of grant
- Taisho
- The draft Imperial instruction to the Privy Council, 1915
[Total of Images]3
- [Call Number of holdings]枢A00049100(Holdings:National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- [Language]Japanese
- [Summary]臺灣総督府官制中改正ノ件 右謹テ上奏シ恭シク 聖裁ヲ仰キ併セテ枢密院ノ議ニ付セラレムコトヲ請フ 内閣総理大臣伯爵大隈重信 勅令第 号 臺灣総督府官制中左ノ通改正ス 第十七條中「二署」ヲ「一署」ニ改メ「蕃務本署」ヲ削ル 第十九條中「警視専任八人奏任」ノ次ニ「蕃務警視専任二人奏任」ヲ加ヘ「八人」ヲ「三人」ニ、「三十人」ヲ「二十九人」ニ、「四百十八人」ヲ「三百九十六人」ニ改メ「蕃務総長一人勅任」ヲ削ル 第二十二條中「、蕃務総長ハ蕃務本署ノ長ト為リ」及「各」ヲ削ル 第二十六條中「又ハ蕃務本署」ヲ削リ同條ニ左ノ一項ヲ加フ 蕃務警視ハ警察本署ニ屬シ上官ノ命ヲ承ケ蕃務ヲ掌ル 第三十一條中「又ハ蕃務本署」ヲ削ル
- Date of Document Creation1915.06.30
- CreatorPrivy Council
- OrganizationPrivy Council // Cabinet
[Reference code]A03033349900
Browse- National Archives of Japan
- Privy Council Records
- Evaluation reports
- Meiji
- Privy Council examination report / 1908 to 1910
[Total of Images]5
- [Call Number of holdings]枢C00013100(Holdings:National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- [Language]Japanese
- [Summary]明治四十ニ年九月十七日 書記官長 主筆 書記官 書記官 台湾総督府官制中改正ノ件及台湾総督府地方官官制中改正ノ件審査報告 謹テ今回御諮詢ノ台湾総督府官制中改正ノ件及台湾総督府地方官官制中改正ノ件ヲ審査スルニ総督府官制ノ改正ハ総督府ノ蕃務漸次繁劇ヲ加ヘ現行制度ノ依レハ之カ為ニ一般警察官吏ノ手ヲ要スルコト多ク従テ一般警察事務ノ@否ニ影響アルニ依リ 蕃務本署を置キテ其ノ事務ヲ一般警察ト区別シ蕃務総長ヲシテ之ヲ掌握セシメ
- Date of Document Creation1909.09.17
- CreatorChief Secretary of Privy Council
- OrganizationPrivy Council
[Reference code]A03033368600
Browse- National Archives of Japan
- Privy Council Records
- Evaluation reports
- Taisho
- Privy Council examination report / 1915 to 1916
[Total of Images]5
- [Call Number of holdings]枢C00016100(Holdings:National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- [Language]Japanese
- [Summary]大正四年七月 書記官長 主筆書記官 書記官 台湾総督府官制中改正ノ件台湾総督府地方官官制中改正ノ件及台湾総督府蕃務警視特別任用ニ関スル件審査報告 謹テ今回御諮詢ノ台湾総督府官制中改正ノ件外二件ヲ審査スルニ右三件ハ先般台湾ニ於ケル蕃界討伐ノ業略成就シ茲ニ理蕃事務一段落ヲ告ゲタルニ依リ其ノ事務ノ整理ヲ計ルノ必要ニ出テタルモノニシテ(一)台湾総督府官制中改正ノ件ハ総督府ニ於ケル蕃務本署ヲ廃シ其ノ事務ノ一部ヲ地方庁ニ移シ蕃務総長ヲ廃官トシ蕃務本署ニ属スル警視五人警部二十一人技師一人技手三人ヲ減シ更ニ蕃務警視二人ヲ置キテ蕃地監察ニ当ラシメムトシ尚右ノ外台湾戸籍令施行準備ノ為メ属二人ヲ増置セムトスルモノナリ
- Date of Document Creation1915.07
- CreatorChief Secretary of Privy Council
- OrganizationPrivy Council
[Reference code]A03033566700
Browse- National Archives of Japan
- Privy Council Records
- Meeting notes
- Meiji
- Minutes of the Privy Council Meeting, the Partial Revision of the Organization System for the Government General of Taiwan; the Partial Revision of the Organization System for the local officials of the Government General of Taiwan; the Special Appointment Ordinance for the administrative officer of the Civil Engineering, the Government General of Taiwan; the Special Appointment Ordinance for the superintendent of the Government General of Taiwan engaging in the issues relevant to the uncivilized area; the Special Appointment Ordinance for the administrative officer and superintendent; the Abolition of the Special Appointment Ordinance for the administrative officer of the Monopoly Bureau, the Government General of Taiwan; the Partial Revision of the Organization System for the Shrine Agency, 22 September, 1909
[Total of Images]1
- [Call Number of holdings]枢D00290100(Holdings:National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- [Language]Japanese
- [Summary]議長(東久世)次ハ台湾総督府官制中改正ノ件及台湾総督府地方官官制中改正ノ件ヲ合シテ第一読会ニ附議ス朗読省略 報告員(河村)報告スヘシ台湾総督府官制中改正ノ件ノ改正ノ要点ハ従来ノ警察本署ヲ廃シテ蕃務本署ヲ置キ其ノ総長ハ勅任又ハ奏任ヲ以テ之ニ当テムトス之レ蕃務ノ進捗ト共ニ一般警察事務ト蕃務トヲ別ニスル必要アル為メナリ而シテ一般警察事務ハ従来ノ総督局ヲ内務局ト改メ内務局長ヲ以テ警視総長ナル職ニ補スルコト猶ホ府県事務官ノ一名ヲ警務長ニ補スルカ如クシ以テ一般警察ノ任ニ当ラシメムトシ又従来ノ土木局及臨時台湾工事部ヲ廃シ新ニ土木部ヲ設ケテ併セ管掌セシム以上今回ノ改正ノ要点ナリ又地方官官制中改正ノ件ハ従来庁ノ数
- CreatorPrivy Council
- OrganizationPrivy Council // Ministry of Home Affairs
[Reference code]A03033566800
Browse- National Archives of Japan
- Privy Council Records
- Meeting notes
- Meiji
- Minutes of the Privy Council Meeting, the Partial Revision of the Organization System for the Government General of Taiwan; the Partial Revision of the Organization System for the local officials of the Government General of Taiwan; the Special Appointment Ordinance for the administrative officer of the Civil Engineering, the Government General of Taiwan; the Special Appointment Ordinance for the superintendent of the Government General of Taiwan engaging in the issues relevant to the uncivilized area; the Special Appointment Ordinance for the administrative officer and superintendent; the Abolition of the Special Appointment Ordinance for the administrative officer of the Monopoly Bureau, the Government General of Taiwan; the Partial Revision of the Organization System for the Shrine Agency, 22 September, 1909
[Total of Images]8
- [Call Number of holdings]枢D00290100(Holdings:National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- [Language]Japanese
- [Summary]議長(東久世)次ハ台湾総督府官制中改正ノ件及台湾総督府地方官官制中改正ノ件ヲ合シテ第一読会ニ附議ス朗読省略 報告員(河村)報告スヘシ台湾総督府官制中改正ノ件ノ改正ノ要点ハ従来ノ警察本署ヲ廃シテ蕃務本署ヲ置キ其ノ総長ハ勅任又ハ奏任ヲ以テ之ニ当テムトス之レ蕃務ノ進捗ト共ニ一般警察事務ト蕃務トヲ別ニスル必要アル為メナリ而シテ一般警察事務ハ従来ノ総督局ヲ内務局ト改メ内務局長ヲ以テ警視総長ナル職ニ補スルコト猶ホ府県事務官ノ一名ヲ警務長ニ補スルカ如クシ以テ一般警察ノ任ニ当ラシメムトシ又従来ノ土木局及臨時台湾工事部ヲ廃シ新ニ土木部ヲ設ケテ併セ管掌セシム以上今回ノ改正ノ要点ナリ又地方官官制中改正ノ件ハ従来庁ノ数
- CreatorPrivy Council
- OrganizationPrivy Council // Ministry of Home Affairs
[Reference code]A03034014300
Browse- National Archives of Japan
- Privy Council Records
- Resolutions
- Meiji
- Resolution at Privy Council / Amending government organization of Government Generals of Taiwan / Amending government organization of prefectural officials at Government Generals of Taiwan / Government General of Taiwan Special appointment ordinance of administrative officer of civil engeneering department / Amending special appointment ordinance of police superintendents engaging in works in the domain at Government General of Taiwan / Abolition of Special Appointment Ordinance of administrative officer for Monopoly Bureau in Government General of Taiwan / Abolition of Special Appointment Ordinance of administrative officer for Monopoly Bureau in Government General of Taiwan / Revision of the Organization System for the Shrine Agency / Resolution on September 22, 1909
[Total of Images]10
- [Call Number of holdings]枢F00400100(Holdings:National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- [Language]Japanese
- [Summary]決議 台湾総督府官制中改正ノ件 勅令第 号 台湾総督府官制中左ノ通改正ス 第十七条中「警察本署及左ノ五局」ヲ「左ノ四局及蕃務本署」ニ、「総務局」ヲ「内務局」ニ改メ「土木局」ヲ削ル 第十八条中「警察本署及」ヲ削リ各局ノ下ニ「及蕃務本署」ヲ加フ 第十九条中「警視総長一人勅任又ハ奏任」ヲ削リ局長ノ次ニ「蕃務総長一人勅任又ハ奏任」ヲ加ヘ「局長五人」ヲ「局長四人」ニ、「専任四人奏任」ヲ「専任四人奏任@一人ヲ勅任ト為スコトヲ得」ニ、「十二人」ヲ「十人」ニ、「警視専任三人」ヲ「警視専任五人」ニ、「専任二人」ヲ「専任一人」ニ、「税務官専任三人」ヲ「税務官専任二人」ニ、「二十三人」ヲ「十九人」ニ、「内二人」ヲ「内一人」ニ、「海事官専任三人」ヲ「海事官専任二人」ニ、
- Date of Document Creation1909.09.22
- CreatorPrivy Council
- OrganizationPrivy Council // Ministry of Home Affairs
[Reference code]A03034031200
Browse- National Archives of Japan
- Privy Council Records
- Resolutions
- Meiji
- Resolution at Privy Council, / Concerning special appointment ordinance of principals at professional schools in Seoul, etc. / Amending government organization of Government Generals of Taiwan / Special appointment ordinance of extraordinary administrative officers of construction department at Government General of Taiwan / special appointment ordinance of administrative officers of workshops at Government General of Taiwan / resolution on 4th Oct. 1911
[Total of Images]19
- [Call Number of holdings]枢F00430100(Holdings:National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- [Language]Japanese
- [Summary]台湾総督府官制中改正ノ件(参照添附) 勅令第 号 台湾総督府官制中左ノ通改正ス 第十七条 民政部ニ左ノ四局、二署及三部ヲ置ク 財務局 通信局 殖産局 土木局 警察本署 蕃務本署 地方部 法務部 学務部 通信局ニ測候所及燈台ヲ附属セシム 第十八条中「各局及蕃務本署」ヲ「各局署及各部」ニ改ム 第十九条中「局長」ノ次ニ「警視総長一人勅任」ヲ加ヘ「十人」ヲ「十四人」ニ、「五人」ヲ「七人」ニ、「十九人奏任内一人」ヲ「三十一人奏任内二人」ニ、「三百六人」ヲ「四百三十六人」ニ、「三十八人」ヲ「四十一人」ニ改ム 第二十条、第二十四条及第二十五条中「各局署」ノ下ニ「及各部」ヲ加フ 第二十二条 警視総長ハ警察本署ノ長
- Date of Document Creation1911.10.04
- CreatorPrivy Council
- OrganizationPrivy Council
[Reference code]A03034051600
Browse- National Archives of Japan
- Privy Council Records
- Resolutions
- Taisho
- Resolution at Privy Council, / Amending government organization of Government Generals of Taiwan / Amending government organization of prefectural officials at Government Generals of Taiwan / Special appointment of policemen of Government General of Taiwan / The declaration of abolishing the jurisdiction by a council in the French territory of Malacca / Resolution on 7 July, 1915
[Total of Images]15
- [Call Number of holdings]枢F00484100(Holdings:National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- [Language]Japanese
- [Summary]大正四年七月七日議決 一 台湾総督府官制中改正ノ件 一 台湾総督府地方官官制中改正ノ件(参照添附) 一 台湾総督府蕃務警視特別任用ニ関スル件 勅令第 号 台湾総督府官制中左ノ通改正ス 第十七条中「二署」ヲ「一署」ニ改メ「蕃務本署」ヲ削ル 第十九条中「警視専任八人奏任」ノ次ニ「蕃務警視専任二人奏任」ヲ加ヘ「八人」ヲ「三人」ニ、「三十人」ヲ「二十九人」ニ、「四百十八人」ヲ「三百九十六人」ニ改メ「蕃 務総長一人勅任」ヲ削ル 第二十二条中「、蕃務総長ハ蕃務本署ノ長ト為リ」及「各」ヲ削ル 第二十六条中「又ハ蕃務本署」ヲ削リ同条ニ左ノ一項ヲ加フ 蕃務警視ハ警察本署ニ属シ上官ノ命ヲ承ケ蕃務ヲ掌ル 第三十一条中「又ハ蕃務本署」ヲ削ル 附則 本令ハ公布ノ日ヨリ之ヲ施行ス
- Date of Document Creation1915.07.07
- CreatorPrivy Council
- OrganizationPrivy Council
[Reference code]A03034051700
Browse- National Archives of Japan
- Privy Council Records
- Resolutions
- Taisho
- Resolution at Privy Council, / Amending government organization of Government Generals of Taiwan / Amending government organization of prefectural officials at Government Generals of Taiwan / Special appointment of policemen of Government General of Taiwan / The declaration of abolishing the jurisdiction by a council in the French territory of Malacca / Resolution on 7 July, 1915
[Total of Images]15
- [Call Number of holdings]枢F00484100(Holdings:National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- [Language]Japanese
- [Summary]大正四年七月七日議決 一 台湾総督府官制中改正ノ件 一 台湾総督府地方官官制中改正ノ件(参照添附) 一 台湾総督府蕃務警視特別任用ニ関スル件 勅令第 号 台湾総督府官制中左ノ通改正ス 第十七条中「二署」ヲ「一署」ニ改メ「蕃務本署」ヲ削ル 第十九条中「警視専任八人奏任」ノ次ニ「蕃務警視専任二人奏任」ヲ加ヘ「八人」ヲ「三人」ニ、「三十人」ヲ「二十九人」ニ、「四百十八人」ヲ「三百九十六人」ニ改メ「蕃 務総長一人勅任」ヲ削ル 第二十二条中「、蕃務総長ハ蕃務本署ノ長ト為リ」及「各」ヲ削ル 第二十六条中「又ハ蕃務本署」ヲ削リ同条ニ左ノ一項ヲ加フ 蕃務警視ハ警察本署ニ属シ上官ノ命ヲ承ケ蕃務ヲ掌ル 第三十一条中「又ハ蕃務本署」ヲ削ル 附則 本令ハ公布ノ日ヨリ之ヲ施行ス
- CreatorPrivy Council
- OrganizationPrivy Council
[Reference code]A03034051800
Browse- National Archives of Japan
- Privy Council Records
- Resolutions
- Taisho
- Resolution at Privy Council, / Amending government organization of Government Generals of Taiwan / Amending government organization of prefectural officials at Government Generals of Taiwan / Special appointment of policemen of Government General of Taiwan / The declaration of abolishing the jurisdiction by a council in the French territory of Malacca / Resolution on 7 July, 1915
[Total of Images]15
- [Call Number of holdings]枢F00484100(Holdings:National Archives of Japan (NAJ))
- [Language]Japanese
- [Summary]大正四年七月七日議決 一 台湾総督府官制中改正ノ件 一 台湾総督府地方官官制中改正ノ件(参照添附) 一 台湾総督府蕃務警視特別任用ニ関スル件 勅令第 号 台湾総督府官制中左ノ通改正ス 第十七条中「二署」ヲ「一署」ニ改メ「蕃務本署」ヲ削ル 第十九条中「警視専任八人奏任」ノ次ニ「蕃務警視専任二人奏任」ヲ加ヘ「八人」ヲ「三人」ニ、「三十人」ヲ「二十九人」ニ、「四百十八人」ヲ「三百九十六人」ニ改メ「蕃 務総長一人勅任」ヲ削ル 第二十二条中「、蕃務総長ハ蕃務本署ノ長ト為リ」及「各」ヲ削ル 第二十六条中「又ハ蕃務本署」ヲ削リ同条ニ左ノ一項ヲ加フ 蕃務警視ハ警察本署ニ属シ上官ノ命ヲ承ケ蕃務ヲ掌ル 第三十一条中「又ハ蕃務本署」ヲ削ル 附則 本令ハ公布ノ日ヨリ之ヲ施行ス
- CreatorPrivy Council
- OrganizationPrivy Council